Hopkins 4K for Cancer

The mission of Hopkins 4K for Cancer is to unite communities across the country in the fight against cancer by spreading awareness, raising funds, and fostering hope.

The residents were really getting into it. Rob and Andrew have truly beautiful voices. We had a lot of fun. Ben and Nicole love Thanksgiving!

*Fight cancer by covering up under the sun's rays!


Please visit http://www.4kforcancer.org/ to learn more about the 2009 team and to make a charitable contribution.

Thank you for your support!

Application Deadline Extended!

The application deadline has been extended to Monday, October 20. Thanks to all who have applied so far!

Potential Leaders: it is beneficial to get your application in sooner rather than later!

Application Updates

Keep those applications rolling in! Remember they're due October 16th.

The first rider meeting has been changed to November 9th

Potential New Leaders!
Here is the link for more information on the leadership positions available

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