Travis Snow
Trip Year: 2005
School: JHU
Hometown: New Hartford, CT
Trip Leader

This summer will be my third time participating in the Hopkins 4K For Cancer, and I will be riding for my Mother, Gayle Snow, who is a breast cancer surviver, as well as for my grandfather, Robert Snow, who passed away from cancer last fall. My experiences with Hopkins 4K For Cancer have taught me many things about myself, about others, and about life itself. Among the many lessons I've learned are that every journey has its ups and downs, but that in the end the satisfaction of achieving your greatest goals greatly outweighs the pain and difficulty along the way. I've learned that every individual has it within him or herself to change the world. I've learned, and relearned many times, that all great accomplishments are just a series of small steps done with persistence and focus.
Age: 21 year old senior
Major: International Studies major
Future Plans: I am currently finishing my application to the Peace Corps and am tentatively scheduled to begin a 2 year health care project in Africa this August.