James Covey
Trip Year: 2006
School: JHU
Hometown: Washington, DC

Cancer has stolen some very important people from me, and others I have known have had the courage, support, and luck to make it through; I intend to do what I can to help those who are suffering through cancer come out the other side. I am riding across the country this summer to make sure others can keep fighting and winning.
My future plans:
I grew up moving around with the Foriegn Service, and have a deep commitment to civil service. In June, I will have a degree in Political Science and about 4,000 miles of road between myself and my next step. I do not know specifically where my road leads after we arrive in San Francisco, but regardless of where I go I intend to follow Eddy Merckx's advice and, "Ride a lot."
Age: 21
Major: International Studies