Hopkins 4K for Cancer

The mission of Hopkins 4K for Cancer is to unite communities across the country in the fight against cancer by spreading awareness, raising funds, and fostering hope.


Joe Siegel

Trip Year: 2006
School: JHU
Hometown: Bow, NH
Email: jsiegs@gmail.com
Trip Leader

Joe Siegel

I lost three of my grandparents to cancer. Two of them spent their last months with my family and I, as they were unable to continue living alone. I watched firsthand how cancer can ravage a person's body. I did my first ride in 2004 for them. This year, I want to do it for them again, but I can still remember all the people I met along the way the first year, and they are my motivation to do the 4k again.

Future Goals:
Hopefully, I will be doing some work in chemical engineering; perhaps for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, a drug delivery company, or a biotech startup. I could also possibly go back to graduate school.

Age: 22
Major: Chemical Engineering