Katherine Young
Trip Year: 2006
School: JHU
Hometown: Fair Haven, NJ

I have known too many people who have fought and, in some cases, lost the battle against cancer, and I have seen even more people suffer from it as a volunteer in a nursing home and a visitor in our local hospital with my Dad, who provides pastoral care as a lay minister. In every case, the fight that these people are making is evident, and I wanted to find a way to fight cancer as well. I knew the Hopkins 4K was the perfect avenue for me to pursue this fight, because not only would it give me the opportunity to raise money so as to give back, but it would also offer me the opportunity to get to know new people and explore new places, sharing our message along the way.
Future Goals:
After I graduate (in May!) I am hoping to either complete an independent research project in London or pursue clinical experience
in a psychological setting before applying to graduate school to obtain a Masters and PhD in clinical psychology. Whatever happens, I know I will end up fulfilling my dream of working to improve the lives
of children.
Age: 21
Major: Pyschology