Lauren Jia
Trip Year: 2006
School: JHU
Hometown: New Berlin, WI

When else am I going to help an awesome cause and see America at the same time?! While I'm so lucky to not have a history of cancer in my family, so many family friends have been afflicted, and its not something I can just sit and ignore, just because it doesn't affect me immediately. Most people will never in thier lives have a chance like this to combat cancer and unite communities all across the US, and I want to jump on this opportunity to do what little I can to help.
Future Goals:
Ideally, I want to be trekking through the jungles of Africa, doing freelance wildlife photography for National Geographic. Either that or my good friend, Fumi, and I will have opened up our Chubs & Scrubs Cafe and Bar.
I am a 5-year BA/MA at JHU and SAIS, with a concentration in international law and China studies. I think after graduation, I want to take a year off and just travel the world, do some freelance photography, experience new cultures, and gain a deeper appreciation for diversity. In the future, have plans to go to law school and practice business law in China, or be involved in China's judicial infrastructure as it grows in international stature.
Age: 20
Major: International Studies