Olivia Kennedy Helprin
Trip Year: 2006
School: JHU
Hometown: Charlottesville, VA
Trip Leader

I want to make a statment about hope, optimism, caring and endurance--for everyone and particularly for all those battling cancer. What better way to put my money where my mouth is that to get on a bike in Baltimore and end up in San Francisco?! Plus, I'm tired of sitting around and waiting for my life to start--lately I've started to realize that this is it, and I'd better be using the time I have.
Future Goals:
I aim to be in some sort of school, most likely Public Health or Medical School. If not, I'll be starting up a clinic in rural India, a la Paul Farmer. Living in the wilderness. Sailing on a hospital ship. Being an EMT in an urban area. I just hope that there will continue to be as much love in my life as there has been for the past 18 years, and that whatever I'm doing will make me proud.
Age: 18
Major: Public Health