Alice Li
Trip Year: 2007
School: JHU
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
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Bonjour! That is all I probably remember from 3 years of high school French, but anyway, my name is Alice Li. I am riding on this year's 4k for my grandpa who always wanted to see America in the summertime. He passed away from leukemia before he had the chance to return to the States for a second visit. So I am dedicating this summer to the memories of my grandfather and all the love he shed upon me. So grandpa, thank you and this is for you. .
Future: Well, I am currently working for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Maryland as a healthcare I guess that basically means I decide how much we all pay for health insurance...(please don't kill me!), but that may not be forever especially with the chronic bad press. However, I do know I want to be in the healthcare field because, so far, it has been an exciting experience.