Nicole Errett
Trip Year: 2007
School: JHU
Hometown: Massapequa, NY
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Trip Leader

Cancer survivors inspire me everyday. My Dad is perhaps one of the biggest inspirations I have to do this trip. However, as much as I know I am inspired by cancer survivors everywhere, I know that this trip inspires cancer sufferers, survivors, and their families alike all across the country. After 17 miles last year, I broke my hand on the first day of the trip. From Baltimore to SanFran, 4K riders often like their ride to a cancer battle. We draw strength from cancer survivors and realize that our setbacks are nothing compared to theirs. My broken hand was nothing compared to my Dad’s surgery to cure his lung cancer. He got up and continued his life after his setback. And I need to continue mine. To do so, I plan on getting back on that bike, and showing people everywhere, whether they are affected by cancer or not, that setbacks are not permanent, and any battle can be won. San Fran, here I come!