Sandra Shrago
Trip Year: 2007
School: Denison University
Hometown: Katonah, NY
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I am riding 4000 miles to demonstrate my support for cancer victims and their families, to honor those who have lost their battles and to celebrate those who have overcome cancer. I can not find the cure for cancer, but I can raise awareness and money so that others may be able to. My Great Aunt Wende recently passed away from Ovarian cancer. She will be sorely missed. I will be riding in her honor as well as in the honor of my best friend, Meghan; an inspirational young woman who has defeated cancer twice and inspires me each and every day.
Seeing the country from on top of a bike is a once in a lifetime experience that I could never pass up. I am eager to meet people from all over the country and to form relationships with my fellow riders on the Hopkins 4K 2007.
I will be graduating from Denison University in 2009 as a Psychology major. I hope one day to practice clinical psychology and to study abroad in Germany.