Andrew Telzak
Trip Year: 2008
School: JHU
Hometown: New Rochelle, New York
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Statistically speaking, we have all be touched in some way by cancer. Whether it's been a close friend, a relative, or just an acquaintance, it never settles quite right knowing that a disease we've been aware of for so long is still affecting so many. That feeling of 'at this point, we should be able to do better' has been constantly on my mind over the past four years of studying public health. It's very easy to sit in a classroom or a library, hiding behind the tall ivory towers of academia, and criticize the way things are run, or the outcomes they affect. This, however, does not help anyone, or change anything.
I'm riding my bike across the country this summer as a way of putting my actions where my mind and books have been over the past four years. If I can touch just one person's life through my efforts with the Hopkins 4K, I think this goal will have been accomplished.