Amir Tusher
Trip Year: 2005
School: JHU
Hometown: Flushing, NY
Trip Leader

I believe people are inherently good and when they succumb to the evils of the world, it is a great misfortune. One of those evils which has taken the lives of many people I knew is cancer. Hopkins 4K is my fight against that evil, and though it is only a little bit of effort on my part, I wanted to do something, anything, in the memory of my loved ones. It seems like these days cancer knocks on everyone's door, and sadly, quite often, it triumphs. To defeat it, I ride in the loving memory of my grandmother and my aunt. My grandfather is currently on the verge of fighting cancer himself and to see what he goes through, it makes me feel almost insignificant. I once thought, and still do think, the 4K is so impossible for me, but my struggle will be trivial compared to that of a cancer patient. This is the reason I'm going all 4000 miles.
Age: 21
Major: Neuroscience
Future Plans: To make the world a better place.