Cheng Xu
Trip Year: 2005
School: JHU
Hometown: Upper Arlington, OH
Trip Leader

I have always had a personal interest in the perpetual research and funding for finding a cure for cancer due to the fact that all four of my grandparents lost the battle to cancer, in addition to numerous, more distant aunts and uncles. In recent years, the camaraderie and connection between cancer survivors and their family members are strengthening by the second because it is becoming such a widespread problem. It seems that everywhere you go, it's possible to meet someone who is or knows a survivor. The future of tomorrow depends on our support today.
But there were so many other outlets in which I could have supported the cause. Why Hopkins 4k? Someone once said, "Dream the impossible dream, fight the unbeatable foe, strive with your last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable star." Impossibility, however, is relative as well as progressive. I have never so much as biked outside of Upper Arlington; for me, biking across the country was impossible and yet, that was precisely what made the idea so enticing. I feel voluntarily ready for the task because I remember who I am riding for. I ride for my grandparents, for those currently afflicted with cancer, for those who have lost the battle, but most importantly, for myself...may achieving this impossible dream lead to even greater dreams of impossibility...and conquering them all, step by step.
Age: 22
Major: Public Health Studies.
Future Plans: I am graduating in May 2005 with a BA in Public Health Studies. After the 4k adventure this summer, I will be starting a job in healthcare consulting for a few years before moving on to join the Peace Corps. I hope that I will be able to go to China with the Peace Corps and aid in improving environmental protection programs in the face of rapid economic reforms and in a nation where economic development has taken precedence over most other sustainability concerns. I would like to come back to Hopkins after the Peace Corps to do a doctoral degree at the School of Public Health in International Health. My ultimate career goal is to work for an organization such as the World Health Organization in controlling and preventing infectious diseases in developing countries.