Franca Kraenzlin
Trip Year: 2005
School: JHU
Hometown: Rye, NY
Trip Leader

I received a flyer for the Hopkins 4K in my mailbox and instantly knew I wanted to be part of such a wonderful cause. While there are many people I know who have been affected by and have beaten cancer, I am riding by bicycle 4000 miles across the country for the mother of a friend who recently lost her life to Ovarian Cancer. While riding 80 miles a day will be tough, it will never be as tough as the journey Cancer patients face. As I realize that many people will touch my life during the trip this summer, I only hope that I may be able to do the same.
Age: 18, Freshman
Major: Neuroscience and German Double Major
Future Plans: I will attend Medical School, become a surgeon, and hopefully one day work as a doctor beyond borders.