Logan Quinn
Trip Year: 2007
School: JHU
Hometown: Everywhere, USA
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Trip Leader

One of my friends often criticizes me for wearing a Livestrong band saying that people who wear those only do so because it’s popular. While I’d love nothing more than to prove her wrong, this isn’t simply an attempt to reveal my true belief in the cause. This is for everyone who hasn’t developed cancer, so that hopefully you never will. For those of you may develop cancer, so that a cure may be found. For those of you dying of cancer now, so you may know that people will always care. But mostly for people who fought a losing battle, who will never know I am doing this, I remember you. This is because you don’t need a reason to do something that will benefit the greater good, and because I believe in the hope for a better tomorrow.
If a career in modeling fails (likely, considering I’ve never modeled…), my goal is to become a doctor and work for Médecins Sans Frontières in Africa. The opportunity to help people seems like a noble cause. After that I’m going to live on a beach in Hawaii and play volleyball until I can’t play anymore.