Katie Biggart
Trip Year: 2008
School: JHU
Hometown: Darien, Conneticut
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Trip Leader

Through Hopkins 4K, we will have the opportunity to positively impact those who have been affected by cancer. By traveling from Baltimore to San Francisco, I, along with the rest of the team, will be able to provide hope to those who are hopeless and give strength to those who are weak. Cancer does not discriminate and this humbling experience will allow us all to meet with those firsthand who are overcoming this illness. By biking, we will be honoring those who lost their battles with cancer and empowering those who are continuing their struggle. If we have the ability to give even just one person along the journey the strength and determination to beat this disease, then our efforts will not have been fruitless. I hope and believe that one day, through our efforts and the efforts of others around the nation, no one will ever be affected nor harmed by this illness again. It is for that reason that I will be riding - for strength, awareness and most of all, for hope.