photos 2003 : week 3
« Week 2 | Photos 2003 | Week 4 »

Weijie teaches us how to battle the wind….. SUMO style.

We’ve only been biking for 3 weeks and we are already a quarter of the way around the world?!

Crossing the Mississippi….into St Louis.

We couldn’t find the elevator, so we tried to walk up the side of the Arch. Why are we always doing things the hard way?

The 8 Mo-Bros.

A warm reception for us bikers in Fayette, MO.

“This is your captain speaking. I would fasten my seat belt if I were you.”

Rolling with the Homies. Sam thinks he’s Mr. T.

When we went on the Katy Trail…

…Weijie was the only one to barely make it out.

Mmmm. When Dan resorted to eating a whole pickle loaf, we knew our lunch resources had run dry.
« Week 2 | Photos 2003 | Week 4 »