photos 2006 : week 9
« Week 8 | Photos 2006 | Week 1 »

save the best for last--yeaaahh california!

those daring enough to climb all the way up

beware, the jewish mafia

benton, CA

the wonderful couple that hosted us for dinner in benton!

now entering the sierra nevadas

mono lake

our final major obstacle--tioga pass

katie ross gave us an hour head start. and she STILL smoked us--"passing on left."

let it snow

a little while later, we got pelted by m&m-sized hail

on our day off, some riders hiked up to yosemite falls

leaving for groveland, CA

yosemite's olmstead point

what's wrong with this picture?


187 miles?! pfft, we can bike that within two days!

the crazy-steep old priest road. this should look familiar to anyone from the bay area who's driven to yosemite...

midwest deja vu?

introducing ourselves at our last community dinner in stockton, CA

president brody and i share an interest

group picture with dr. and mrs. brody!

our last "real" riding day

leaving the church

the priest of the church we stayed at led us out of the city on his motorcycle!

guess who had a van day :p


overshooting china camp

termite helped fix this china camp kid's bike!

fumi finally reunited with her baby. in an invisible tent.

china camp parents picnic

table dancing

our final pow-wow

hey 4k... thanks for all the memories.

katie had a gift for all of us on our last day

if you're going to san francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

the final tai-bo match between katie and erin

she has a big smiley face tied to her helmet

the group with the mayor of sausalito

leaving sausalito...

nearing the bridge!

we were all greeted by paparazzi

group hug

4k photo-shoot



womanly legs

everyone here was also there for catherine's funeral. those who couldn't make it were there with us in spirit. team saratoga... i love you guys.

to the bridge...

in addition to biking across the country, we were also graced by a fogless san francisco with beautiful blue sky. now THAT'S amazing.

we did it!

our final moment of silence on chrissy field beach

lining up for the dip

it's complete! our back tires left the atlantic, and now our front tires have met the pacific

one last dip

you guys are great. i'll miss you all. :)
« Week 8 | Photos 2006 | Week 1 »